Against all forms of abuse and injustice.

Who We Can Help

You. Because we operate on an even playing field, Brave Foundation acts to protect, give advice and find solutions to problems as and when they are presented to us.
Our team of experts that include social care workers, student/practitioners or ex-practitioner psychologists and student/practitioners or ex-practitioner lowers work together to assess your complaint then work out a plan of action. Brave Foundation can help with queries arising from employment issues, domestic problems, consumer rights, financial matters, insurance disputes and much more. We are here to help you resolve problems that you may feel are insurmountable, offering a confidential service that provides you with the information and advice on how to deal with your case. Each person’s case is viewed on an individual basis, and plans drawn up specifically to deal with it head on. Your query will be reviewed by our experts, then researched and analysed before a plan of action is presented back to you to consider. We endeavour to find the most efficient way to deal with cases whilst causing minimal disruption to your day-to-day life.

How We Can Help

With our vast knowledge of social policy, our team of experts strategically build a profile of your case and present to you a course of action in resolving the problem. An advisor will speak with you and build a profile of your case for review. We aim to keep you informed every step of the way and act completely at your discretion. You will be part of the decision-making, and will have total autonomy at all times. All cases are dealt as priority and are handled sensitively by trained professionals.

Quick Contact
Tel: 0800 0016 777
Fax: 0207 511 0304